Ultra-Violence Ultra-Violence - Shining Perpetuity

What have I done?
I traveled so long, my body is cold
I've been to the future, I've seen through the past
I'm back with a coffin made of lust

The soul never dies
But I'd rather die than rot in exile
Craving mortality
Crawling in misery

Gatekeeper, I'm just a castaway
I've lost my way when I fell from grace
Climbing over the pearly gates

Gatekeeper, don't turn your back
Undock my wreck, I'll stand on the deck
Begging for you to blow the wind at my back

Living I have been your plague
Dying I shall be your death
I've lived so many lives
Now I can see them all

Gatekeeper, launder my sins away
On high tides let me sail

Reduced to ash, I will fly
Beyond the depths, space and time
With stars as my witnesses
And Moon as the judge
I swear to forget and reborn
From the dark

Che cosa ho fatto?
Ho viaggiato troppo a lungo, il mio corpo è freddo
La mia corda d'argento si è spezzata
La mia prigione di carne sta diventando polvere
Bramo la mortalità
Striscio nella miseria

L'anima non muore mai
Ma preferirei morire piuttosto che marcire in esilio
Colpevole di tracotanza, oltraggioso e sfrontato
Qui e adesso, per il perdono mi inchino
Aspiro alla purezza
Perpetuità fulgente

Living I have been your plague
Dying I shall be your death
I've lived so many lives
Now I can see them all

Pride leads to every other vice
Anti-God state of mind
Guilty of hubris, outrageous and bold
Here now, for forgiveness I bow

My silver cord snapped
My prison of flesh is turning to dust
Striving for purity
Shining perpetuity

Gatekeeper, I'm just a castaway
I've lost my way when I fell from grace
Climbing over the pearly gates

Gatekeeper, don't turn your back
Undock my wreck, I'll stand on the deck
Begging for you to blow the wind at my back

Reduced to ash, I will fly
Beyond the depths, space and time
With stars as my witnesses
And Moon as the judge
I swear to forget and reborn
From the dark

The stain on my soul remains